Live/Dead Ball

1. The ball is live at the snap of the ball and remains live until the official whistles the ball dead.

2. The official will indicate the line of scrimmage by placing the ball on the offense's start point. .

3. A player who gains possession through the air is considered in bounds as long as one foot comes down in the field of play.

4. The defense may not mimic the offensive team signals, by trying to confuse the offensive players, while the quarterback is calling out signals to start the play. This will result in an unsportsmanlike penalty.

5. Substitutions may be made on any dead ball.

6. Any official can whistle the play dead.

7. Play is ruled “dead” when:

a. The ball hits the ground

b. The ball carrier’s flag is pulled

c. The ball carrier steps out of bounds

d. A touchdown

e. The ball carrier’s knee or arm hits the ground

f. The ball carrier’s flag falls out

g. The receiver catches the ball while in possession of one or no flag(s)

h. Inadvertent whistle

NOTE: There are no fumbles. The ball is spotted where the ball carrier’s feet were at the time of the fumble. During a snap the ball is spotted where the ball original lands regardless if contact is made by any offensive player.

8. In the case of an inadvertent whistle, the offense has two options:

a. Take the ball where it was when the whistle blew and the down is consumed.

b. Replay the down from the original line of scrimmage.

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